Lagalante Lab Instrumentation
- LC/MS/MS. Shimadzu Prominence Liquid Chromatograph with SCIEX 4500 QTRAP LC/MS/MS (QqLIT). Options: Autosampler (vials and well-plates), column heater, MS sources: ESI, APCI, APPI, and DESI.
- LC/MS/MS. SCIEX Exion Liquid Chromatograph with SCIEX 5600+ Triple TOF (QqTOF). Options: Autosampler (vials), column heater, MS sources: ESI, APCI.
- LC/MS/MS. Shimadzu Prominence Liquid Chromatograph with SCIEX 3200 QTRAP LC/MS/MS (QqLIT). Options: Autosampler, MS sources: ESI, APCI.
- GC/MS. Shimadzu QP2010+. Options: EI, PCI, NCI, temperature programmable injector, on-column injector, autosampler.
- LC. Varian ProStar. Options: dual wavelength, fluorescence, chemiluminescence detection, autosampler, column heater.
- LC. SCIEX Exion 2. Options: PDA detector, temperature controlled autosampler, column heater.
- Portable XRF. Bruker Tracer III.
- Pressurized Liquid Extraction. Dionex ASE-200. Options: 4 solvent module, 5, 10, 22 mL cells, computer controlled.
- Labconco Cenrivap Concentrator.
- QUV Accelerated Aging. Options: temperature and humidity cycling.
Campus Resources
The Lagalante Group has access to modern instrumentation resources on campus. Links to instrumentation that we utilize in research projects are listed below.
- Chemistry
- Biology Imaging Facility (SEM-EDAX, TEM-EDAX, and fluorescence microscopes)
- Nano-bio-material Characterization Laboratory
- Surface Science Laboratory
- Chemistry Machine Shop for custom mill and lathe fabrication.